Smart City and Corning Reach New Partnership Milestone

Smart City and Corning Reach New Partnership Milestone

Two Smart City clients have recently been presented with 25-year warranties under the Corning Network of Preferred Installers (NPI) program. The Anaheim Convention Center (ACC) in Anaheim, CA and the Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) in Seattle, WA will be covered under a “tip to tip” solution that encompasses all fiber optic cable and associated components, parts, and labor. The warranty assures venue owners that their fiber optic cabling solution provides the necessary optical transmission bandwidth over an extended period of time. Both the ACC and the WSCC will be covered under this warranty through 2040.

The Seattle upgrade project required the purchase of 27,530 feet of fiber optic cable, which was installed in 44 network closets throughout the WSCC. Anaheim’s upgrade included 13,800 feet of fiber installed in 22 network closets or spaces throughout the ACC. To maintain the extended warranty, a member from each Smart City team in Seattle and Anaheim must complete the necessary courses to become a Corning Certified Fiber Installer.

As part of the NPI program, Smart City has also committed to the successful completion of at least two Corning certification courses for Corning Certified Fiber Installation and Corning Certified Fiber Design. Team members from Dallas, Anaheim, and San Diego have already completed these training courses. Additional training has been scheduled for team members currently staffing Smart City buildings with planned infrastructure upgrades.

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