Smart City Featured in Nevada Business Magazine’s Face to Face Column

Sharing Industry Advice in Nevada Business Magazine

Mark Haley, Smart City‘s president, was featured in Nevada Business Magazine’s Face to Face column this month, where he talked about his key career moments and offered advice for industry newcomers. Listed below is the article originally published by Nevada Business Magazine.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be?
A public accountant. Just kidding! I wanted to be a professional athlete. Baseball, hockey and then soccer. I didn’t quite make it, but I still enjoy the “thrill of victory” in my work life.

What business advice would you give someone just starting in your industry?
I would say to volunteer early and often. Try to obtain as many new experiences as possible early in your career. Business leaders appreciate and remember people who volunteer.

What do you wish you would have learned at the beginning of your career?
I wish I could make decisions quicker, especially the hard ones. They never get easier if you let them drag out.

What is the best moment of your career?
I’m still looking for it. I’ve been fortunate to have had many successes, but continuing to achieve greater successes, especially in people, is what keeps me going.

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