Mark Haley is our Smart City Networks President and he just hit a huge milestone. He’s celebrating his 15 year anniversary, which is an incredible achievement! Usually for Smart City Spotlights, we like to highlight an amazing team member out in the field or in our corporate office, but this month, we thought we’d sit down with Mark and discuss his time and impact with our company. It was a great conversation so check it out below in this month’s Smart City Spotlight!

Reflecting on your 15 years, what are the most significant changes or accomplishments Smart City has achieved during your time as President?
M: In the early years, we had just acquired 2 other companies, PNI and CCPI, and my focus was on integrating the 3 companies and ensuring that we delivered the consistent levels of quality service that Smart City customers had come to know. There was also a challenge of melding the cultures of the 3 companies and continuing to deliver “Peace of Mind”.
Most recently, after the pandemic, we had to ramp back up our business to meet the needs of customers as they returned to our centers. And return they did! 2022 was both our most challenging year and our most successful year at the same time. We were able to accomplish much success through proper planning by our senior team and the implementation of that plan by our dedicated and focused team members across the country.
What has kept you passionate and engaged throughout the years at Smart City?
M: Working with our people and seeing them grow throughout the years. We have many long-term employees who have taken on expanded roles in the company and made significant contributions to our overall success. They keep me fired up!
How would you describe the culture and values that have shaped our company’s success over the past 15 years, and how have you seen them evolve?
M: The culture was established before I joined Smart City through the implementation of our Business Principles and Daily Basics. My role over the years has been to ensure all team members understand those Business Principles and how to live them every day. They need to understand that I stand behind those Business Principles and Daily Basics, not only in word, but in the actions we take. You have to walk the walk.
Leading a company for 15 years is amazing! What personal qualities or leadership traits do you believe have been crucial in your ability to guide and inspire our organization?
M: I think to be successful, leaders need to be positive and honest. I try to share as much info with our folks so that they understand the challenges we facing and the facts involved. My philosophy is to “control what you can control”. No sense in adding unnecessary drama to the daily grind. Stay focused, deal with the facts and attack with a positive approach.
With 15 years of experience, you have seen our industry change a lot. How have we adapted our company’s strategy to stay competitive as things have evolved?
M: Our strategy has gone from being an exclusive provider of a limited numbers of telecommunication services included on a standard order form to a service organization that does not act exclusive, communicates early and often with customers and in the end develops the right solution for each customer’s needs. Smart City is the company where Technology meets Hospitality.
Thank you Mark! To the Top!