Keith McNeely, our General Manager at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center (HBGCC), has been with Smart City for 45 years and will retire at the end of 2024. Throughout his final victory lap, he wanted to share some of his thoughts and reflect on his long journey with Smart City. Here are three unique, insightful stories from Keith’s past all highlighting one of our core business principles: People Helping People! Enjoy!

Back in the early nineties, I travelled to Los Angeles to help our team install a large event. During the move-in we asked the staff to return to the switch room and clear out their orders. Henry De La Rosa and I were standing outside the office when we saw three ladies walking towards us carrying boxes and folding chairs. We asked where they were going, and they said South Hall. South Hall was a hike from where we were, so I asked if we could carry their boxes, and they agreed. When we arrived at their booth, one of the ladies asked for my business card, which I gave her.
A week later, I am back in Houston, driving to work. When I arrive, John Ott is waiting for me at the door with a smile on his face. I knew in an Instant I was in trouble. John’s only request was that I not turn the lights on in my office, and I agreed. There hanging on the walls glowing in the dark were 4 or 5 pairs of men’s underwear. John said the underwear came from a lady in California. The only thing I could think of is that one of the ladies Henry and I had helped sent the clothing to me. John suggested I make up a better story since he had already told my wife, Tricia, about the gift.
That night I carried my box of glow in the dark underwear home. Tricia and talked about our day and at some point, the box became our topic of conversation. I explained that Henry and I had helped some ladies during move-in for an event and one of them mailed the clothing to me. At that point Tricia said she knew what my brothers were getting for Christmas that year. All I know is I never saw the box again, nor did I ask about it. Why would a lady mail underwear to a married man? People helping people!

During the first day of the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) held at the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) each year, a representative of an AV company approached me. Intel Corporation had contracted with them to provide a live feed between the Sands Expo Center and the LVCC. The president of Intel was speaking at the Sands Expo, and they wanted the video to be transmitted live to their booth at the LVCC.
The issue was the AV company needed to use our fiber between the two centers to transmit the video. The tricky part was the fiber had already been leased to show management for the event. We met with Karen Chupka, Vice President of Events and Conferences, to see if she would loan the fiber to us. Karen agreed that the fiber could be used under one condition, the AV company could not bill Intel for the service, which they agreed. The next challenge was the AV company needed a fiber switch in the MDF “main distribution frame” at the Sands Expo Center to complete the video connection. I informed Karen that we had a fiber switch available, but I would need help getting to the Sands Expo Center and then access to the MDF. Karen provided transportation to the Sands Expo Center and within 30 minutes we had the feed up and running, with the president of Intel streaming live in their booth at the LVCC. Intel was not aware of what Smart City and show management did for them. People helping people!
During the planning process for large events, we normally hire part-time employees to help with the installation. One year in Las Vegas during our planning process an ex-NBA player walked into my office looking for a part-time job. He had played basketball on the National Championship team at the University of Indiana, and then on to play in the NBA for the Minnesota Timberwolves.
Needing a job, we hired him to help during the event. I called Hugh Sinnock, a Vice President at the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority because I knew he had graduated from the University of Indiana. Hugh was genuinely interested in meeting with the player. After the meeting Hugh and I felt compelled to help the player in some way. Hugh called the University of Indiana and they agreed to provide a full-time job for the young man. People helping people!
Thank you Keith McNeely for sharing your stories! For more Smart City Spotlights and other company highlights check out our blog!
And be sure to check out our latest Pinnacle issue available now!